Monday, July 15, 2013

"Love is a Battlefield"

So I hear language bandied about where fitness and weight loss are concerned and I am afraid that I am going to have to use some of it.

These past two weeks I have experienced my first struggle with my whole new lifestyle.

I am not really struggling too badly, but I definitely feel off my game and can totally see where it could all go awry.

We get to that place I like to call the "safe" zone. For me, it is a place where I begin to feel comfortable in my own skin again. People tell me how great I look and I forget that it is just comparatively speaking.

While I am sure that I have achieved a significant amount of weight loss (I have not yet gotten on the scale), I sometimes forget that I have not reached my goal of achieving wellness by only putting healthful things into my body and keeping active. I almost forgot that I am still, well, fat. I am not "well" yet. I am only better.

I hear so many people say phrases like "always a struggle" or "battling my weight" or other negative, self-defeating language. Up until now, it has not really been much of a struggle for me. I have been consistently able to eat right and keep moving and motivate myself and lose weight. When people say "what diet are you following?" I say I am not on a diet. I just changed everything.

And I did. But I forgot about the traps that have been preset by my sub-conscious to sabotage me along the way. I forgot about complacency, the power of positive reinforcement, the wicked, wicked appeal of a nightly cocktail.

My "struggles" have not really been all that difficult but I used them to ensnare myself in a net of negativity. It's strange how people telling me that they notice that I've lost weight or that I look "great" can be considered a negative in my world but it leads me down a dark path of wrong-thinking: thinking that I look "great" can lead me to think that I can slack off a little. But this is not something to slack off on. I am trying to reverse years of damage and trauma that I have put my body through by carrying all that excess weight.

I came to this realization a few days ago when I heard someone say that it is a never-ending battle to lose weight and be healthy.  It doesn't have to be. I don't want to fight anymore.

I don't want to be too big to fit into chairs with arms anymore. I don't want to have to shop only at "plus size" specialty stores anymore. I don't want to have to worry if the step ladder will hold me when I clean my station at work. That's the real hard stuff. Holding up three hundred pounds every day is the battle. The changing? That's the easy part. But I forgot that for a few days and I let it get to me.

I did not binge eat or suddenly start eating McDonald's and Taco Bell again. I did, however, over-indulge in some of my go-to healthier snacks and get a little lazy in my routine. I did not exercise for nearly two whole weeks.I was not cooking for myself every day. I was not keeping track of little snacks here and there. And I could feel the pull taking hold of me. So I didn't fight it.

I called it what it was-a temporary lapse-and I am moving on.

I don't want to ever look at this life I am choosing to live as a fight or a battle. I only want to stay on my course and do what is best for me.

I could blame the heat for my lack of motivation. But I'd be kidding myself. I fell into a slight depression and now I am climbing out of it.

My sister is doing something similar with her life and she has begun inspiring me. I am going to try to use some visualization techniques to get me over this rough spot. I am envisioning my healthier, happier me and it has seemed to light a bit of a fire under me. Don't get me wrong, I still procrastinated much of my day away and am writing this at almost two in the morning. But I definitely feel the wheels turning again.

I am not waging war on food and fat. I am not fighting the battle of the bulge. I am simply going back to the beginning when it was going right and I am moving on from here.

Who's with me?

1 comment:

  1. Cindy I think writing this "blog" helps you to clear your head and continue on your path to success. Everything you have expressed is said and thought by everyone who has a weight issue. And you are so right about when people comment how great you look, and it mentally makes you relax and be less diligent in your process. But you know what your personal goal is and that is where you need to stay focused. And it's great to have a partner to take the path along with you if your sister joins you. We all experience set backs with the things that are hardest to do for ourselves. That is life. But I understand what you have in mind for you, and know you will accomplish it in time. It's not a new start, it's a continuation. You will do it!
