Friday, January 13, 2012

"I Wanna Go Back..."

OK. So I started this whole thing, this blogging, as a journey to find my inspiration for returning to the world of weight loss. So far, I have barely skimmed that surface!

My, bad.

I am not one for resolutions or goals. Setting things in stone is never a good idea because I have been there and you only set yourself up for failure.

I had a boss that trained me in my profession (hairdressing, if you didn't know) and she always said if I got lost in the middle of the haircut all I had to do was "go back to when it was going right".

Such a simple solution to so many things.

So when I am contemplating getting back into the world of weight loss, I always try to go back to the beginning of the several times I have lost 50+ pounds.

Where did my inspiration come from? Where did I get my motivation? Where did they both go?

Each time I have fallen off the food truck, it's usually because there is something huge going on in my life. Sometimes, it's a bunch of tiny things building up into something huge.

I think, many times, the motivation and inspiration also come from events in my life. When things are going well on all fronts or if major events are approaching, I seem to have more control. Well, in the past, that has been the case. Weddings, reunions, etc. are excellent motivations to get you on the weight loss wagon. And other times, I am just sick of feeling.....well.....obese.

So today, I am going to try to go back to the beginning. Just like Inigo Montoya did in Princess Bride.

I cannot turn back time, but I can look back and learn from the past mistakes instead of repeating them.

I can't help but hearing my cynical inner voice saying "Well, DUH!"

I am making a, dare I use the word, a commitment to examining my previous attempts at weight loss. The loss part was usually much easier than the keeping it off part. Maybe, if I see it in writing, it will click and suddenly make sense.

But I don't want this just to be about "dieting", so, from time to time, I promise you, I will digress and talk about my life or my family or some other boring non-inspirational subject.

I hope this post is the beginning of something instead of just a bunch of words on a screen.

In the words of the late, great John Belushi in Animal House, "Let's do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!"

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