As of 1:09 a.m. today, I will be entering the last year of my forties.
I can't wait to watch it unfold. I have set some major and some minor goals for myself and I would like to accomplish them before I reach that milestone a year from today.
I am hoping that I will be more organized with my time and living a more balanced life. I am hoping to be ready for whatever twists and turns this year may take.
I am hoping to have reached all my health goals by then as well. I have stepped up my efforts these past few weeks and am really feeling strong.
When we hit these milestones, we tend to take stock of our lives and review our failings. I don't want this year to be about what I haven't done in my life. I don't want it to be about fixing mistakes I've made.
I want it to be about moving forward. The past has brought me to this point in my life but I don't need to look behind me to know where I am going. It doesn't mean I will forget or shut out those experiences. I will focus on the present and the future and hopefully not make the same mistakes. And the hard and gritty stuff? I am grateful for it because I know it has made me strong enough for this journey.
My life thus far has prepared me for whatever the year will bring. I am ready. I am pretty sure I am ready. But just in case...