Thursday, June 27, 2013

"In The Good Old Summertime"

Never let it be said that this fluffy girl does not come clean when she has been slacking!

I have been trying to squeeze every minute out of every day and yet I get so distracted by television and facebook and Candy Crush and birdsong and sunsets and squirrels!

I am squeezing in a brief update on my progress and where I have been slacking off.

I continue to progress at a fairly steady pace with my new healthy lifestyle. That being said, I have been taking some short cuts. 

I am caught in the never ending struggle of trying to create balance in my life. I want to socialize with my friends and visit my family and keep in touch with those close to me who live out of town. I want to spend time with my husband. I want to spend at least some part of my sunny days off at the beach. I want to exercise outside and take advantage of communing with nature while exercising. I want to spend a couple of hours a day writing. I want to keep up with my housework and staying organized because I understand fully how much that will help me in my journey towards good health. I want to have time to meditate. I want to read every book on my summer reading list.I like to do food shopping every few days so I am only eating the freshest and healthiest foods. I want to spend time cooking and preparing that food. All I need is...totally drew a blank there! All I need is what? More time? A time machine? A personal assistant? 

Every night I go to bed saying tomorrow will be the day I hit the ground running. I wake up early after not sleeping more than two hours in a row in the six or seven hours I allot for sleeping. I wake up and have my one cup of caffeine and watch the today show and read a little which usually turns into reading for an hour because I lose all sense of time when I am lost in a book.

I set timers to limit the time I spend doing certain tasks to shave a few minutes here or there. But then I sit down to catch my breath and I'll play a game on my iPhone or someone will call and I'll be on the phone for an hour or I get into texting and it turns into a marathon. I lose hours this way!

I have opened up this old laptop several times in the past week so I can sit and write my book or work on this blog and I, of course, find myself checking email and before I know it I am stalking Facebook. Then the computer crashes because I haven't been on it in three weeks and it needs to be updated and security checked and it's two hours later and all I know is that someone went to the gym, someone is mad at someone, and some celebrity did some ridiculous thing!

Social media and technology are a wonderful way to stay connected to friends and to glean information but I am finding that it is also a way to fritter away what little precious time we all have. Isn't that ironic? Here you sit, all four or five of you, reading my blog that I just spent the last forty minutes I didn't have writing, and I am complaining about technology and my lack of time!

Well, I think I need to shake things up a little in my quest for good health and balance in life. It will take much willpower and a lot of courage on my part. I need to unplug. From now on, I will try to keep my phone on do not disturb while I am doing the important things I need to do to take care of me. Instead of shaving time off cooking by ordering a whole wheat pizza with no cheese and a salad with no dressing.  I will start cooking my own pizzas again and keep the television off and try to eliminate the day to day distractions.

I am determined to stay on my path! I feel like I am putting so much pressure on myself to be perfect at everything that I am not even coming close at even one little thing like taking care of me.

I welcome summer with open arms and I hope that by the time the nights begin to cool and grow longer, I will have a handle on the balance I so desperately seek. I'll keep you posted. Now get off your computer and go to the beach or the park or have some Fro Yo!