So, I write. Not as often as I should. Not as often as I am inspired to. But, I write.
When I was in second or third grade, my teacher told me to write my stories down. Over the years, I have. I've written fiction. I have volumes of journals. I have chronicled my angst in spiral notebooks. I even started a romance novel. It sucked.
But lately, I have been doing more reading than writing. It keeps me out of my own head and away from my own problems, albeit temporarily.
Today, I found myself reading a magazine article about this "amazing, dynamic, healthy, super-woman doctor" who is apparently a dynamo at every single thing she's ever done in her whole entire life and how inspiring...yadda yadda yadda...blah blah blah. At least that's what my brain heard!
I am so tired of reading articles about how if we just believe it we can accomplish it! It isn't easy but we've still got to try! Just cut down on carbs and you'll feel so much better!
Is that all? Is it true that all I have to do is eat a certain cereal for breakfast, call a certain weight-loss guru, buy that DVD where everyone is dancing like they're on Broadway, sprinkle something on my food, cleanse my colon, buy a sleep "system" for a good night's rest, and I'll be solving my own problems and those of the entire world?? Can it be as easy as adding Chia seeds to my morning smoothie??? Seriously. Chia. Like the pet.
I am not extraordinary. I don't have it all together. I don't balance my life very well. I eat crappy and don't get nearly enough exercise. I hardly ever recycle. I want to change this but it's easier not to. I will most likely never publish my life story. Unless there is suddenly a need for people to become uninspired.
I am just your average fluffy girl longing to know what it is like to be thin forever; take exotic vacations; write witty and intelligent articles for some trendy magazine; and be inspiring to someone somehow.
I'll settle for my little life and my tiny contributions to society, but, just once, I'd like to know what it's like to live on the other side of the rainbow. For now, I am and ever shall be a fluffy girl (woman, really) who sometimes writes and wonders if anybody reads.